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Watch Video 1- Elongated Inhale and Exhale Pranayama

Watch Video 1- Elongated Inhale and Exhale Pranayama


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Video 1- Elongated Inhale and Exhale Pranayama

Yoga for Beginners Course • 13m

Up Next in Yoga for Beginners Course

  • Video 2- Empty Coat Sleeves Pranayama

    When it feels like life is spinning out of control or when you need to release the mental demons taking up space in your head try Empty Coat Sleeves Pranayama. The movement within the breathing technique will help to massage the lymph nodes in the armpit area while also creating a rhythmic medita...

  • Video 3- The Basics on Standing Yoga ...

    In yoga classes, there are some poses that are often found and these four standing yoga poses you will see all the time. Gretchen breaks down how to do Warrior 1, 2, and 3 as well as the High Lunge pose. Gretchen's light-hearted personality makes the instructions easy to understand and perform.

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    Surya Namaskar is the foundation of a vinyasa yoga practice. This video is great for beginners to learn the poses within the sun salutation. As your yoga practice grows it's a great reminder to connect to a flow practice at home that is familiar to your body.
    Begin the class standing at the top...